LOVE Yourself

LOVE Yourself

Spring is in the air! Love is in the air! Flowers are blooming, butterflies are fluttering and the birds are chirping! This is the season of New Beginnings.  

Have you ever paused to think of how you express love to others?  What do you do to make your significant other, familyand friends feel special and loved?  While it is great to show love, care and kindness to others; do you keep that same energy for yourself?

Love yourself

Merriam-Webster defines self-love as “an appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue.”  Self-love is accepting yourself simply as you are!

Working on your personal growth and giving yourself grace and compassion daily can seem to be difficult… especially if you have neglected yourself or experienced physical, verbal or emotional abuse.  Remember: You are worthy.

Psalm 139:13-14 states it best: You (God) are the one who put me together inside my mother’s body, and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me.  Everything you do is marvelous! Of this I have no doubt.” (Contemporary English Version).

Once we understand that we are our Creator’s masterpiece, we will treat ourselves as such!

Daily Self Love habits:

Awake each day with gratitude.
Speak positive to yourself.
Set healthy boundaries.
Avoid toxic people and unnecessary drama.
Do not compare yourself with others.
Surround yourself with positive reminders of yourself and people that celebrate you!

In each newsletter, I like to highlight an entrepreneur that I absolutely love and support.  If you need assistance in personalized web or social media design for any project or business, reach out to Ashuntae McCullough, the Founder and CEO of Rookie Resources.  Her talents and professionalism have been an amazing asset in helping me build my brand.  She can be reached at or via social media at @Rookie Resources (FB and IG).

Today marks the 1st Birthday of the launch of The Happy Butterfly Collection!  During our birthday week, I will be debuting our newest addition; Billy the Bumblebee on Anger.  Everything site wide is 20% off until the 30th of April.  Success Notes also make great gifts for graduates for the upcoming month as well.Stay connected for bundle specials.

Remember…we teach people how to treat us by virtue of how we treat ourselves! Love YOU!!

Be Blessed, Be Healthy, Be Happy!!

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